I discussed Derek Jacobi’s Huguenot ancestry for the BBC’s Who Do You Think You Are?, and Mandy Moore’s British ancestry for the US edition of WDYTYA?.

I contributed to Stephen Fry’s Audible series Victorian Secrets, speaking about mental health and asylums. I examined bodysnatching and anatomy for BBC2’s History Cold Case series; and provided the background material for BBC1’s Secret History of Our Streets episode on Arnold Circus and its tie-in book.

At the start of the year I appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Making History to talk about the topic of incest in 19th-century society. I spoke about Broadmoor Hospital on Channel 5’s programme on that institution, and I appeared on camera and helped out with London local history research for ITV1’s Secrets from the Clink mini-series, looking at Michelle Collins’ ancestors.

The BBC’s series The Victorian Slum, in which I appear, was based on my book The Blackest Streets, and was broadcast in the autumn of 2016. http://ow.ly/rU9L30f27R9

BELOW are a selection of interviews and live talks

(to save them to your computer, right click the links and select ‘save as’)

I talked to Sarah Crown of the Guardian books pages, here Inconvenient People: Guardian Books podcast

With Claudia Hammond on Radio 4’s All In The Mind, here https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b5t826

The Italian Boy on film: a short documentary of my debut book 

Video of Wellcome Book Prize shortlist talk at Wilton’s Music Hall