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Review in La Repubblica

  Oliver Twist and the organ harvesters: a review from the Italian newspaper La Repubblica — in Italian. ‘L’Oliver Twist italiano e i trafficanti d’organi’ “Londra in una notte nebbiosa…

Getting lost in ever-changing London

One of Karl Marx’s close associates, William Liebknecht (1826-1900), was absent from London between 1862 and 1878 (he had returned to his native Germany). On his return, he was astonished…

Winslow vs Windham, Wise vs Croft

Author Russell Croft has come to a different conclusion to mine regarding the soundness of mind of William Windham. In Inconvenient People, I briefly cover the “Windham Lunacy Commission” to…

Henry Maudsley – Feminist Icon?

I give Dr Maudsley (1835-1918) a bit of a hard time in Inconvenient People. He was famously inconsistent, and indeed believed that “consistency signifies prejudice and stagnation”; but by the…

The Museum of St Bernard’s Hospital

Local historian and author Paul Lang contacted me to tell me about a fascinating museum at which he used to volunteer. Paul was the hospital librarian at St Bernard’s Hospital…